Company:Restaurant & Ice Cream Shop
City:Estes Park
State:Colorado, CO
Job title:Server, bus person, host, cashier, ice cream maker
Start date:15/6
End date:15/9
Staff:5 / male and female
Housing description:
4 people per room
Additional info:
We have two restaurants and an ice cream shop. The duties will include serving, cleaning the tables, seating guests, selling ice cream. You may work 40-70 hours a week, but overtime wage is the same as normal wage because you can always work a lot hours and get pretty good salary. Servers are preferred to have experience in serving in the US already, and so they must have great English (9-10). For hosts: English 8-9. For bussers/cashiers: English 7-8. Bussers and servers get bussers/servers 4.62+tips. All others $8 at start. You get free meal during the shift if you work in the restaurant (not for ice cream). We prefer the candidates with videos. In some cases we will request for skype interviews.
Dress code:
Black pants and black shirt